E-QURE's Company news

Company News 6 - February 6, 2015

                                            Fenruary 6, 2015                                                                                                                              pdf

To our Partners, Friends and Shareholders: 

Last month our S1 prospectus was approved by the SEC. As promised ¼ of the investors shares are free for trading. As of now E-QURE has appx. 2.5 million Shares trading out of the 21.6 million outstanding. The company is trading with its new symbol EQUR.

As we reported, we have raised additional $230,000 of equity from prominent investors that adds additional credibility to our company. This, in order to have backup cousin financing into 2016 toward trial completion. 

On January 1, 2015, we have submitted to the FDA our trial documentations and applications, after implementing FDA comments from previous rounds. If no additional comments will be received from FDA, we will be able to start our US clinical trial soon.

We succeeded to return to our possession a substantial number of working devices that was laying at an Austrian warehouse. We are currently testing them and putting them back to active use

.Devices from Austria     PR6-2      PR6-3

As a result of further discussion with the FDA, we have added into our trial protocol the use of Sham device that will treat the control group. This makes out trial more complicated to manage, but will enhance substantially the results’ significance validity. The scientific advisory board conducted a brainstorming session in January to prepare for trial initiation.

We decided to refresh the company production capabilities in order to be ready for start of commercialization. We have identified two possible subcontractors that can manufacture our device in the required quality standards. We will now negotiate the terms and decide which one to use as our production facility.

A research report on our company was published on January 30 2015 by Zacks Investment Research Company in the USA. Zacks is a premier research company issuing recommendations for companies it is following. Please see www.zacks.com. A copy of the research report will be sent to you separately.  Zacks-logo 



Contact Us

E-QURE Corp.

20 West 64th street - Suite 39G
New York, NY 10023

Office: +972-8-9167333
Fax: +972-8-9167331

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